This List Portrays the Symbolic Exchange of Gifts from the Universal Space Beings to the Beings of Earth

A week or so ago, Bad Lit, a journal of underground film, wrote this thoughtful post pertaining to the process of the underground film blogger. Mike Everleth of Bad Lit has been blogging for almost four years now, wow. Amen to running an underground film blog for four years; it’s widely published that the majority of bloggers throw in the towel after six months.
Cyber-blogging takes an enormous amount of time, and sometimes you may feel as though soaking wet in virtual reality, with liquid aluminum splashin’ and hittin’ the flow, forming metallic puddles — notwithstanding, cyber-blogging is a great time, when you have the time, and time is too expensive.
With this post, I wish to follow in the footsteps of Mike by posting a simple list of experimental/avant-garde/underground film blogs — call them whatever you like — there is a perpetual divergence of the genre definitions, but the fact is, blogs such as these are far, far, few and far between.
I encourage anyone to add a site/blog via comment, just make sure the site correlates with the aforementioned. Let us strengthen the online community of underground/experimental film sites; more people should be exposed to these. Spread the lynx around
Art Cinematic
The Auteurs Notebook
Bad Lit
Bright Lights Film Journal
Conversations at the Edge
Create Digital Motion
Destructural Video
Donal Foreman
Everything is Terrible!
Expanded Cinema
Experimental Cinema
Experimental Conversations
Facets Multimedia
Krebs on Security
Invisible Cinema
Landscape Suicide
La Region Central
LUX Blog
Making Light of It
More Milk Yvette
Not Dead Yet (I Love 16mm)
Recycled Images
Senses of Cinema
Snuff Box Films
Supposed Aura
Tank TV
Ubu WebVideo Data Bank
Visionary Film
Visiones MetaforicasYou have reading to do