VW CEO Jacoby and Greta Brawner discuss US Auto Industry Collapse
Washington Journal was at its best this morning — Greta Wodele was hosting — her guest was Stefan Jacoby, Volkswagen of America, Inc., President & CEO, a fluent English-speaking-German man whose last name immediately calls to mind the Twin Peaks character, Dr. Jacoby.
Wikipedia on Dr. Jacoby:
[Jacoby] is known for keeping cocktail umbrellas marked with dates of influential events that affected him. He is also a keen surfer.

[Jacoby] is known for keeping cocktail umbrellas marked with dates of influential events that affected him. He is also a keen surfer.
Greta, Jacoby, and the everyday American caller participated in a pretty engaging discourse on the collapse of the US Audio Industry, and the future of the BIG 3 — see embedded video.
Greta’s Washington Journal schedule seems to be Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I believe. However, the Washington Journal hosting schedule is know for its inconsistency. Greta Wodele, you’re lovely and your idiosyncrasies are quite endearing. You should start blogging. Actually, Greta was the one who introduced me to the Politico and The Huffington Post —political blogs, period. Thanks miss.
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This is what passes for news on this site? I am going back to CNN.com.