Film Still and Song: America is Waiting (1982), a film by Bruce Conner; a song by David Byrne and Brian Eno

Bruce Conner, USA, 1982; 3.5m (16mm b&w/sound).
Music by David Byrne and Brian Eno.
“The lyrics of America is Waiting: ‘Well now, you can’t blame the people—blame the government! Take it in again! Again! Again! America is waiting for a message of some kind or another,’ cued Conner for a strongly structured and richly varied piece which examines ideas of loyalty, power, patriotism and paranoia.
“Like most of Bruce Conner’s films, repeated viewings yield deeper layers of successive structures. America is Waiting is strongly composed of interlocking visual connections, emblematic content and a resonating ambiguity of the human condition within the constructs with which we confound ourselves.”—Anthony Reveaux
“American is Waiting” by David Byrne and Brian Eno
Here is another good song, “Are You Running?,” by Jerry Harrison, a song that is not related to Bruce Conner, but is related to David Byrne, inasmuch as Jerry Harrison is from the Talking Heads, and this is a song off his second solo LP, Casual Gods (1987). Way ’80s, way good. (Shout out to Will with this.)
1 Comment
nice post.
i hope this series continues