MEDIA-SCAPE Zagreb 2010 “The Year we Make Contact”

09–29 October 2010
“The Year we Make Contact”
20 Years of Media-Scape (dedicated to Pierre Schaeffer*)
What is Media-Scape?
“It has always been the driving spindle and elixir of avant-garde art to condense intellectual trends, social developments and technical innovations into an up-to-date interpretation of reality. Media-Scape focuses critically on these developments, their pre-history and their future perspectives. The concept of current trends, historical passage and future visions are presented through lectures, film and video screenings, exhibitions and performances. Held in reference to the historically pivotal symposia “Dialogue with the Machine” (Zagreb 1969) and “Television Today” (Zagreb 1972) in coalescence with the important contributory role Zagreb has made to the visual arts and design in general, Media-Scape marks the necessity of a human-shaped media-landscape to present concepts, ideas and artistic reflections in the new and emerging discipline of media art. In May 1991, during the international CAD forum, (symposium for architecture and design), media-artists and theoreticians came together for the first time to discuss the role of new media in their artistic work and the need for a continuing dialogue. Out of this came the idea of what is today called Media-Scape.
From 1993 to 1999 Media-Scape was taking a place in Zagreb, in Mimara Museum(1993), MM (Multimedijski) Centar (1994), HDLU (Croatian Association of Artists) andDAZ (Society of Croatian Architects) (1995), MSU (Museum of Contemorary Art) (1996-1999). The most profiled personalities in helping Media-Scape to curate were Bojan Baletic (University Zagreb, School of Architecture) and Mladen Lucic (Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb).
In 2006 Media-Scape moved to the Croatian town Novigrad/Cittanova in Istria, Croatia, first in the space of Gallery RIGO, and in the next years also Muzej/Museo Lapidarium. Co-curators and organizers of Media-Scape in Novigrad are Jerica Ziherl, art historian, director and curator of Gallery RIGO and Museum Lapidarium and Niksa Gligo, professor at University of Zagreb, Music Academy and member of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
Since 2006 Media-Scape also took place in Berlin, at the Galerie der Künste (GdK), under the title “Strictly Berlin“. This is a collaborative work together with many artists living temporary or permanently in Berlin, who show their works using media art. Artistic Director of GdK Noam Braslavsky is helping this project to be realised.
Founders, organizers and curators of all Media-Scape are Ingeborg Fülepp and Heko Daxl.”
Events consists of exhibition, concerts, performances, screenings
Exhibition, Croatian Association of Artists (HDLU), Zagreb,
09. – 29. October
08. October 6 p.m. opening with performance
28. October 6 p.m. video Screenings:
29. October 20 p.m. closing with performance
Screenings, Media Facade of Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb,
08. – 10. October, 19 p.m.
Concerts, Gorgona Theatre at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb,
08. – 10. October, 19 p.m.
Curators and Organizers: Heiko Daxl and Ingeborg Fülepp GbR, Media in Motion – Berlin / Zagreb,
Concert Curators and Organizers:
Niksa Gligo, Seadeta Midzic, Daniel Teruggi, Dalibor Davidovic
Partner Event:
International Conference: „Pierre Schaeffer: MediArt“, Rijeka, October 6th- 7th, 2010, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rijeka,
Participants – Exhibition
BCD, Vladimir Bonacic (D/HR), Andy Cameron (GB), Costantino Ciervo (I/D), Miro Cimerman (HR/D), Heiko Daxl (D), Dunja Donassy (HR/D), Alen Floricic (HR), Ingeborg Fülepp (HR/D), Darko Fritz (HR), Dieter Jung (D), Thomas Gerwin (D), Giulia Gianola (I), Sibylle Hoessler (D), Malcolm Le Grice (GB), Timo Kahlen (D), Zlatko Keser (HR), Hans Peter Kuhn (D), Antal Lux (H/D), Mia Makela (FIN), Dalibor Martinis (HR), Tatjana Marusic (CH), Enes Midzic (HR), Seadeta Midzic (HR), Magdalena Pederin (HR), Ivan Picelj (HR), Ulrich Polster (D), Nika Radic (HR/A), Jakob Schaible (D), Christina Scherrer (D), Goran Skofic (HR), Jan-Peter E. R. Sonntag (D), Wolfgang Spahn (A/D), Henry Stag (D/HR), Maren Strack (D), Yukihiro Taguchi (J), Tobias Trutwin (D), Branka Uzur (AUS/HR), Junko Wada (J/D), Armin Wagner (A)
Maren Strack (D), Junko Wada (J/D)
Concerts with music by: François Bayle, Michel Chion, Frano Curovic, Silvio Foretic, Pierre Henry, Janko Jezovsek, Ivo Malec, Bernard Parmegiani, Pierre Schaeffer, Daniel Teruggi, Christian Zanési
Financial Support and Sponsors
Ministarstvo kulture Republike Hrvatske, Zagreb
Gradski ured za obrazovanje, kulturu i {port (City of Zagreb
Ambassade de France en Croatie
British Council of Croatia
Directors Lounge, Berlin
EUNIC, European Union National Institutes for Culture
European Commission, DG Education and Culture, Culture Programme 2007 – 2013
HDLU Hrvatsko drustvo likovnih umjetnika (Croatian Artists Society), Zagreb
IFA – Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Stuttgart
INA, Paris
Institut Français de Zagreb
Instituto Italiano di Cultura Zagreb
Koncertna direkcija Zagreb
Le Groupe de Recherches Musicales, Paris
Muzej suvremene umjetnosti (Museum of Contemporary Art), Zagreb
Muzej moderne i suvremene umjetnost (Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art), Rijeka
Österreichisches Kulturforum, Zagreb
ProHelvetia, Zürich
SakamotoContemporary Berlin
Sound of Cities, Berlin eXchange of Art Operators and Producers
mediainmotion, Berlin/Zagreb,
Contact: Ingeborg Fulepp / Heiko Daxl
*Pierre Schaeffer (1910-1995) is considered one of the most influential experimental, electroacustic and subsequently electronic musicians, having been the first composer to utilize a number of contemporary recording and sampling techniques that are now used worldwide by nearly all record production companies.
His almost unknown works on the interaction between sound and image will be presented in Media- Scape in a wider context. 2010 “The Years we Make Contact” 20 years of Media-Scape, Exhibition, Screenings, Performances, Concerts Symposium (dedicated to
Pierre Schaeffer*)
Media-Scape is as a set of exhibitions, performances, concerts, actions, film/video programs and symposia bringing together international and Croatian artists in the context of media art. Media-Scape is open to a dialogue between public, artists, curators and theoreticians.
It has always been the driving spindle and elixir of avant-garde art to condense intellectual trends, social developments and technical innovations into an up-to-date interpretation of reality. Media-Scape focuses critically on these developments, their pre-history and their future perspectives. The concept of current trends, historical passage and future visions are presented through exhibitions, performances, concerts, lectures, film and video screenings.
Media-Scape marks the necessity of a human-shaped media-landscape to present concepts, ideas and artistic reflections in the discipline of media art. Other than curators who are first writing concepts and than looking for the artists fitting into their ideas, Media-Scape looks first for the works of art and personalities who are searching for the new expressions of the media art language. In its exhibitions, Media-Scape aims to have a point of view on the arts, where the space and objects have a dialogue within itself. Media-Scape stays on the traditional paths of video installations as sculptures, as objects or as part of environment, of video-stage, performance act or concert of new music.
Held in reference to the historically pivotal Croatian important art movements such as EXAT 51 in the fifties, NT (Nove tendencije) in the sixties and symposia “Dialogue with the Machine” (Zagreb 1969) and “Television Today” (Zagreb 1972) and Music Bienale in Zagreb (since 1959) and in coalescence with the important contributory role Zagreb has made to the avant-garde of visual arts music.
Media-Scape was founded in Zagreb in May 1991 during the international CAD forum (symposium for architecture and design) by Heiko Daxl, Ingeborg Fülepp, Bojan Baleti} and Malcolm Le Grice.
Media-artists and theoreticians came together for the first time to discuss the role of new media in their artistic work and the need for a continuing dialogue. Out of this came the idea of what is today called Media-Scape.
“During the 1990s, years of war and transition, the Croatian artistic production stagnated, with the exception of the continual tradition of video art. Given the right-wing (retrograde and traditionally bound) official cultural policy, the presentations of foreign media art became rare and the scarce work of Croatian media art was the product of individual enthusiasm without the support of institutions; it was mostly done abroad. The only people who continually exhibited media art were Media in Motion (Heiko Daxl and Ingeborg Fulepp), who have since 1991 been organizing Media-Scape – the annual exhibition and symposium on media art.” (Darko Fritz “A brief overview of media art in Croatia “Due to the war situation in Croatia, it took a year to organize the first Media-Scape. From 1993 to 1999 Media-Scape was held regularly every year in Zagreb but often on different locations.
In 2006 Together with Jerica Ziherl, art historian, director and curator of the Gallery RIGO and Museum Lapidarium and recently director of the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rijeka, and Nik{a Gligo, member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts and professor at the Music Academy of Zagreb University, in the past one of the most prominent organizers in the best year of Music Biennale in Zagreb, decided to continue Media-Scape in a small but, reach with cultural history, city of Novigrad/Cittanova. The concept remained the same; only that Media-Scape became more oriented to the communication between participants and a local public. Nevertheless, as Media-Scape was organized on the end of touristic season, many other visitors came to see exhibition or attend to the symposia, performance or screenings.
Supporters and Sponsors of Media-Scape 1993 – 2009
Croatian Cultural Institutions:
Academy of Drama Arts, Academy of Music, CAD Forum, Zagreb, CARNet – Croatian Academic, Research Network, City of Zagreb, Croatian Society of Architects, Croatian Ministry of Culture, Croatian Ministry of Science, City of Novigrad / Cittanova, Regional Goverment of Istria, Turist, Association Novigrad / Cittanova, Turist Association of Istria, Croatian Artists Society, Filmoteka 16, Zagreb, Multimedia Centre in Zagreb, Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, Museum Mimara in Zagreb, Open Society, Zagreb, School of Architecture, Society of Turism, Soros Centre forContemporary Art, Zagreb, Radio 101
Foreign Institutions:
Ars Electronica in Linz, Austria, Arts Council of Australia, Sydney, Art + Com Berlin, Germany, Austrian Cultural and Informative Centre in Zagreb, Croatia, Ministry for Education, Art and Sport, Vienna, Austria, Senat of the City of Berlin, Germany, British Council in Zagreb, Croatia, ZKM – Centre for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany, CICV – Centre de Recherche Pierre Schaeffer Montbeliard Belfont, France, Cultural Ministry of Science and Culture Niedersachsen, Hannover, Germany, Royal Dutch Embassy in Zagreb, Croatia, European Media Art Festival Osnabrück, Germany, French Institute in Zagreb, Croatia, Ministry of Culture, Paris, France, Goethe Institute in Zagreb, Croatia, Goethe Institute in Munich, Germany, Soros Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw, Poland, ICC Tokyo, Japan, Japan Foundation, Tokyo, Infermental, International Video Magazine, Italian Cultural Centre in Zagreb, Croatia, media in motion Berlin, Germany, Mediamatic Amsterdam, Netherlands, Ministry of Foreign Affair, Bonn, Germany , National Gallery Budapest, Hungary, University of Westminster in London, Great Britain, VAMP – Video Art Magazine Production Berlin, Germany, Video Award Marl, Germany, Videokunst Multimedia, Video Positive Liverpool, Great Britain, Film+Arch, Graz, Austria, Metafort, Aubervilliers, France, Akademie der Kunste Berlin, Germany, Academy for Film and Television, Potsdam-Babelsberg, Germany, Canadian Embassy Zagreb is a project by 1990 -2010