SUBMIT: Call For Entries – 18th Chicago Underground Film Festival

Call For Entries – 18th Chicago Underground Film Festival
June 2011 at the Gene Siskel Film Center
“Now in our 18th year, The Chicago Underground Film Festival exists to
showcase the defiantly independent filmmaker. Our mission is to
promote films and videos that experiment in form, technique, or
content and to present adventurous works that challenge and transcend
expectations…if you suspect your film is “underground,” it probably
Founded in 1994, The Chicago Underground Film Festival is dedicated to
the work of film and video makers with defiantly independent visions.
Unlike many other “independent” film events our goal is not to imitate
old guard, market-driven festivals such as Sundance. Instead we seek
to create our own particular niche by presenting an accessible,
user-friendly showcase for Avant-Garde and cult cinema. CUFF presents
a wide range of work exploring the many definitions and
interpretations of the concept of “underground”. From alternative
music films and political agitprop to high camp and formal
experimentation. We like films that go beyond expectations and genre,
films made with passion, obsession and drive. The Chicago Underground
Film Festival is an official program of IFP/Chicago”
“The granddaddy of all currently running underground film festivals” –
Mike Everleth,
Early Deadline: Dec. 1
Regular Deadline: Feb. 1
Final Deadline: March 15
Chicago Underground Film Festival
PO Box 3065
Chicago IL 60654
Phone: (312)506-4699