Vision Quest 2012 screen-printed posters by Will Thomas

We’re selling screen-printed posters to recoup some of our overhead costs. 9”x24”. Metallic yellow & pink ink (which makes a sun gold orange color when crossed) on white paper. Only $10. I took this photo using my laptop camera, so this photo doesn’t do the posters justice … they sparkle in person, especially in sunlight!
We’ll be selling these tonight and tomorrow. These make great gifts, or they are something nice to hang on your wall, or frame and hang on your wall. Do what thou wilt.
Purchasing a poster will help us continue to do to do events like this in the future viz. will help us parlay the proceeds into a designated fund for a potential Vision Quest 2013.
Click here for more information on Vision Quest 2012.
Posters designed and printed by Will Thomas.