William Kentridge: Anything is Possible: Watch the Entire Art21 Episode Online

Thinking with Hands | “William Kentridge: Anything Is Possible” (2010) Preview | Art21 from Art21 on Vimeo.
Watch the entire episode here –> http://www.art21.org/anythingispossible/
It truly is a charm that Art21 is distributing this episode, along with other content, on the internet for all to see. It is heart warming to notice the positive efforts and cause-and-effect of individuals and organizations that proliferate public arts and education. Art is important, art helps us make sense of our spirit journey here on earth. And, more than ever, our time is ripe to usher in the golden dawn of man.
Frankly, it’s a shame that this country underfunds the arts — well, the elected officials are responsible, along with big business, they are the source of all corruption and problems. Read my lips: in 1981, Ronald Reagan and G. Bush attempted to abolish the NEA completely over a three-year period. They failed, but let’s look at the numbers: in 2009, the NEA’s budget was 155 million; the US Military’s 2009 expenditure was 663,255,000,000 (source).
Politics aside, great insight can be found in this Art21 episode, which observes the life of William Kentridge; we find he is a multidisciplinary artist whom during his start had interest in many areas of art, so many that he found difficulty in choosing; however, throughout the years, William found a way to meld all of his interests into a great breadth of work that spans from charcoal drawn animation, to video art, to opera directing. In this one hour film, “William Kentridge describes the ‘uncertainty and imprecision’ in his process, while working on video animation for I am not me, the horse is not mine (2008) in his Johannesburg studio.”
Excerpted from “William Kentridge: Anything Is Possible,” a new hour-long film from the producers of the Peabody-Award winning “Art in the Twenty-First Century” television series. The film gives viewers an intimate look into the mind and creative process of William Kentridge, the South African artist whose acclaimed work has made him one of the most dynamic and exciting contemporary artists working today.
2010 has been a notable year in regards to expanding the free distribution of media. Of course, advertisements inevitably worm their way in, but great productions like Art21 and C-SPAN stay true. I suggest starting your next day by waking up one hour early to relax with your coffee and William Kentridge.
Also, Art21 runs an excellent blog: http://blog.art21.org/