Mud Brick Spiral by Elín Hansdóttir, 2012

Mud Brick Spiral
by Elín Hansdóttir
2012, Morocco
“Exterior installation made from traditional Berber mudbricks (earth, water & hay) in the village of Tassoultante, 14 km from Marrakech City [Morocco]. The structure was realised in collaboration with 8 local masons and craftsmen as well as Dar Al-Ma’mûn artist residency.”
Elín Hansdóttir is an Icelandic artist based in Berlin. Her site-specific installations focus on the viewer’s experience of built landscapes through the manipulation of architectural forms, auditory elements, and optical play. She creates self-contained worlds that seem to operate under their own set of rules, transforming a benign space into one that defies expectations and seems only to exist at a particular moment in time.