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Ritual Bath no. 4 by Nicoletta de la Brown

Ritual Bath no. 4, Nicoletta de la Brown, 2020, 1min, video
Ritual Bath no. 4, Nicoletta de la Brown, 2020, 1min, video
Ritual Bath no. 4, Nicoletta de la Brown, 2020, 1min, video

Fluid and undulating, Ritual Bath no. 4, by Nicoletta de la Brown, finds the artist luxuriating inside a pool, or tub, of moving water. The artist herself emanates a pensive, yet calm, stillness as flowing water dances around her.

Part of an installation series, the short video (only 1:03, in duration) is meant to be exhibited within a looping installment. This piece, by de la Brown, has a calm and soothing effect, even when viewed outside of physical gallery parameters. It is cool; it is warm; it is a joy to view new video art.

Ritual Bath no. 4 is viewable as part of the “Screening Room” series featured within the Baltimore Museum of Art’s The Necessity of Tomorrow(s) salon website. The Necessity of Tomorrow(s) is “A conversation series on art, race, social justice, and imagining the future(s) we want.”

You can watch Ritual Bath no. 4 here; view more work by Nicoletta de la Brown here; visit BMA’s The Necessity of Tomorrow(s) website here.

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