Sara Ludy: A Space In-Between, Chicago 3.15.12

Tonight, 15 March 2012
presented by Conversations At The Edge
Gene Siskel Film Center, 6pm
2010–12, USA, Various formats, ca 75 minutes + discussion.
The work of SAIC alumna Sara Ludy (BFA 2003) spans a wide variety of formats including photography, video, animated gifs, live performance, and large-scale installations. She explores the representation of domestic interiors, suburban architecture, and landscape design in virtual and real environments. This evening Ludy presents a selection of work, including videos from her ongoing Space Portraits (2010) series; clips from her Projection Monitor (2010–ongoing) project; and exhibition footage from Wallpapers (2011–ongoing).
SARA LUDY (b. 1980, Santa Ana, CA) holds a BFA in New Media from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She is a member of the online art collective Computers Club and the band TREMBLEXY. Her work has been widely exhibited in the United States and Internationally at São Paulo Cinemateca Brasileira, 319 Scholes, Berkeley Art Museum, Luminary Center for the Arts, Hex Gallery, Armory Show, Artisphere, Ghost Gallery, Fe Arts Gallery,, Fabrien Fryns Fine Art, Heaven Gallery, and Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago. — CATE