Stan Brakage Radio Interview

Pauline Kael interviews Stan Brakage, radio interview, 20 min, 1964(?)
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At times, Pauline Kael seems to be Stan Brakage’s adversary, especially during her questioning of his artistic process, and his understanding of his work versus the understanding/misunderstanding of the viewer, to which Brakhage replies, “I don’t make films for an audience … I make them for myself.” This interview is low-fidelity; nonetheless, a pleasant window into the avant-garde art scene of the early ’60s. If you are not familiar with Brakhage and his breadth of work, it is a good listen anyway. Dog Star Man is discussed 16 minutes in.
From the Anthology Film Archives:
Legendary film critic Pauline Kael is captured here in conversation with filmmaker Stan Brakhage. While the tape is incomplete, we do hear Brakhage defend his practice, his epic film DOG STAR MAN, his influences, his search for “a happening in structure”. Brakhage proudly declares: “I’m an amateur filmmaker, I make home movies.” (7″ IPS, 1/4″ REEL 5″, 00:19:32)