Stan Brakhage Black Leader, Anticipation of the Night (1959), via Phil Solomon, & Courtesy of Mark Toscano, Academy Film Archive

Black Leader from Anticipation of the Night (1959), Stan Brakhage, courtesy of Mark Toscano, Academy Film Archive
Found via Phil Solomon’s Musings; part of the Brakhage Restoration Project. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Film Archive is restoring the complete oeuvre of Stan Brakhage. How delicious. The beauty of Brakhage. Here is one of many treats Phil Solomon shares on his blog.
From Phil Solomon’s Musings (original post here):
The animated scratched titles on the original black leader of Brakhage’s seminal work, Anticipation of the Night, backlit over a light box at the Academy Archive.
Courtesy of Mark Toscano, who is overseeing the restoration, bless him.
Black will be restored to the Night. Darkness on the Edge of Town.
Rust Never Sleeps…
Here are some additional film stills from Stan Brakhage’s Anticipation of the Night (1959), via Fred Camper.