Subvert the Absurd World of Television Advertising
All right, this post is a little off Dincatopic, however, it pertains to subversion, and underground/experimental cinema is relative to subversion.
A few months ago, the anonymous writers over at happened to stumble upon Dinca Blog, and they asked if I would do the front-end design for their wordpress blog — clearly I accepted — 30 Seconds of Hell is a television commercial review blog, and that is a blog I can stand behind.
Well, the Super Bowl just ended (I had it on in the background), and with all the commercials and all, I decided to see if 30 Seconds of Hell was live-blogging the event. Unfortunately, they did not live blog on the event, but they did post a wanted ad for contributors who hate commercials enough to blog about them, a post wherein a fantastic animated .gif was embedded.
If you’re interested in entering the blogosphere, visit this 30 Seconds of Hell post for more information. All right, carry on!