Dinca — contemporary art blog

Two Key-stoned Projectors (one upside down version 2) by Cory Arcangel, 2007

Cory Arcangel: Two Key-stoned Projectors (one upside down version 2)
Two Key-stoned Projectors (one upside down version 2)
by Cory Arcangel
Two Key-stoned Projectors (one upside down version 2)
by Cory Arcangel, 2007, two-channel projection (color, silent), dimensions variable, Copyright: © 2020 Cory Arcangel

Two Key-stoned Projectors (one upside down version 2)
by Cory Arcangel

A media art installation by Cory Arcangel.

Image via MoMA.

Credit: Fund for the Twenty-First Century and the Joy Family Fund

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