Dinca — contemporary art blog

Woman Not Included (2011) by Maria Zendre



Following the truism of “sex sells,” Maria Zendre‘s prurient new media project “Woman Not Included” experiments with salacious methods of selling second-hand electronic goods via the online marketplace (marktplaats.nl). The three items for sale:

  • Blue acer aspire netbook
  • Mac mini
  • Sampler Roland SP-404
“Woman Not Included” pursued a visitor-reactionary thesis stating, “What is gonna happen? Maybe the advertisements in Marktplaats will get removed immediately, maybe the prize of the products will go really high or stay really low (as it will be a bid) . . .

Screenshot of “Woman Not Included” on Marketplaats.nl

Unfortunately, Zendre hasn’t provided a written conclusion to her hypothesis and the results of the bidding data remain unclear. Subsequently, three images from the project were presented in a lightbox exhibition format at the 2011 Gogbot Festival.

(45 cm x 33 cm) and 3 lightboxes with the respective photographs (98 cm x 24 cm) C-print in Duratrans, wood, plexiglas, daylight tubes (FOTO: Nico Verkerk):


Maria Zendre’s website

“Woman Not Included” website

2011 Gogbot Festival

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