Dinca — contemporary art blog

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. . . Chestnuts roasting on a Dinca fire / Jack Kentala nipping on your nose / Cached-rip carols being coughed out by a burnt choir / And some dude dressed up as Kronos eating Chicago gyros . . .

After a week of Dinca feed moratorium (busted stuff), the Dinca feeds are reactivated and ready to burn you down.

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Enjoy the internet responsibly.

The difference is dincability.


  • Jack says:

    I proudly still own a “dumb phone,” e.g. my Motorola Razr.

    I am also oddly honored to have my name subbed in on a riff of a Bing Crosby song.

    Also, I’m determine my next Dinca piece. Probably thoughts on The King of Limbs or Dead Space 2.

  • Andrew says:

    Oh yes, the Motorola Razr.

    One time, in the south loop, I got mugged and the dude stole my Rzr and my 4th gen iPod.

  • Andrew says:

    Glad you mentioned the Razr —

    I have been using this super old Nokia. It is the phone I had it 9th and 10th grade. Remember the Nokia’s with the customizable face-plates? (. . . Optional glitter, cheetah print, star ship dream scene, tie-dye . . .) Anyway, this phone is the model after that — the smaller model, with the face plates, first nokia with the super-basic color screen with the big big pixels — this phone is amazing, it’s eight-to-nine years-old. Sometimes I dream of this phone. Sometimes, however, I hold it to my ear and it feels like it’s emitting cancer or gamma rays — some sort of magnetic charge — I’m no scientist, but I reckon a blue-tooth headset would really sort out these issues. Unfortunately, this model does not have bluetooth . . .

    So — my brother has the iFone 420g and he gave me his old touch-screen, and I’m testing that out, and it is an insipid phone, really stupid, the ergonomics of the damn thing are . . . the ergonomics suck . . . but you can record the calls, so it’s nice of Dinc Dinc interviews. The touch screen is never accurate. I’m going back to my nok-dog, even if it makes my ears feel like they’re burning.

    In summary, I just want a cable embedded in my arm, connected to a videophone, connected to the internet, connected to virtual reality gloves and helmet. I just want to feel normal.

    And this is what the future looks like.

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